About Tyson…..

and his family….

Welcome to Tyson Engineering! I’m Tyson, a professional engineer born here in Bellingham with a long family history of building homes in Bellingham and Whatcom County. And I mean a looooong family history!! My family arrived in Bellingham in the 1890’s and our building tradition began with my great great grandpa Anton Swanson. He started building homes in the Sehome neighborhood of Bellingham in the early 1900’s. Many of the homes he built are still occupied today and several of them are on the city’s historical buildings registry. You can check out the Carter House on 1900 Eldridge Ave to see some of his fine craftsmanship.

My family’s building tradition continued down through the generations from great great grandpa Anton, to great grandpa Leonard, to my grandpa Bob, to uncles, cousins, and my dad who has been building houses and commercial projects in Bellingham since the late 70’s. With such a long history of building and the very long connection my family has to the city of Bellingham it has always been my goal to one day return home and help support the growth and development of this amazing community. That day has finally come! Tyson Engineering was born out of my desire to help the designers and builders of Bellingham and surrounding area successfully achieve their goals of creating long lasting structures that will serve a family or business well for a lifetime. And also, to become part of and continue the over 100 year legacy of my family building homes in Bellingham. If you are seeking the services of a structural engineer I invite you to give me a call or swing by the shop so we can discuss your project and how I can help you get it done right!

I graduated from Washington State University with a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in structural engineering and a minor in mathematics. I graduated in fall 2008, just two months before the recession hit. I worked for 3 different engineering firms in my first six months out of school, all of whom ended up going out of business as a result of the recession. Jobs were hard to come by for everyone during those years, but seeing as how NOBODY was building anything anywhere during that time, thanks to the housing market crash, structural engineering jobs for people fresh out of school weren’t just hard to come by, they were none existent. Fortunately things didn’t stay that way forever. After many years of struggling and persevering, in early 2013 as the economy started picking back up, I started working again as a structural engineer in Lynnwood, Washington and have been ever since. For the last 9 years I’ve worked almost exclusively on residential construction projects creating the construction plans and calculation packages required for construction projects to be granted building permits. I take enormous amounts of satisfaction and pride from my job. I love problem solving and providing solutions that can help a contractor accomplish his build at less cost and labor, help make an architect’s vision become a reality, and help turn a bunch of pieces of lumber, sacks of concrete, and bars of steel into somebody’s home or business. I would love to help you with the challenges your project presents and support you in completing another fine addition to our great community.